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Job Responsibilities

蔡欣樺 Tsai,Hsin-Hau



Director of the Registrar's Division.




1.註冊須知To issue the notice of class registration and enrollment regulations

2.註冊率Be responsible for Registration rate

3.成績相關作業Grades management

4.智育前三名Be responsible for top three in intellectual education

5.國內交換作業Accepting applications for domestic exchange students

6.輔系、雙主修Double Major Program/ Minor Programs

7.畢業獎狀相關Be responsible for Graduation-related awards

8.休退學人數回報To submit rosters of study-suspended students,expelled students

9.保留入學含青儲To submit rosters of students retaining admission qualificatio

10.研究生學位論文考試成績作業To manege the graduate thesis examination score

11.先修課程聯合認證Prerequisite course certification

12.學歷查驗Assist with academic status data verification

13.離島遠距視訊面試Remote video interview on outlying islands




1.畢業審查Be responsible for the Graduation Progress Review System

2.畢業證書Be responsible for graduation certificate

3.畢業離校Be responsible for graduation and leaving school

4.學雜費Tuition and Fees

5.學雜費協調會Tuition and Fees Coordination Committee

6.放棄入學Give up admission

7.大學校院校務資料庫Fill in the higher education database

8.大專校院學生基本資料庫Fill in the colleges and universities student basic database

9.教育程度通報Educational attainment notification

10.學雜費概算Tuition and Fees Estimate

11.技專校院招生策進總會填報作業Fill in the Technical College Admissions and Promotion Association

12.學科標準分類Be responsible for Subject standard classification

13.學碩一貫修讀Be responsible for Study consistently




1.學號編列Assign student number

2.學生證Be responsible for Student ID card

3.新生專區To manege the Entry for new student information section

4.學籍記載表Be responsible for student status record form

5.轉系To manage the application for department (Graduate Institute) transfer

6.提前入學Be responsible for the application for early admission

7.大陸台商子女來金就學人數Number of children of Taiwanese businessmen from mainland China studying in Jinan

8.延畢生相關措拖調查表Questionnaire on measures for postponing graduation students

9.原住民教育統計Aboriginal education statistics

10.轉學生員額Transfer student quota

11.僑生學籍調查Overseas Chinese students status survey

12.雙重學籍Dual student status

13.學校人數概況School population overview