National Quemoy University Journal
Submission System (click on the link)
Call for Papers:
Year-round call for submissions, on a first-come, first-served basis.
Submission process:
Apply for an account online and set up a password, complete the information and upload anonymous manuscripts.
Please make sure to indicate the category of submission (1. Science and Technology, 2. Humanities and Society, 3. Management, 4. Health Care) and the type of paper (Original paper, Review paper, Research not) in the "Other" column, or the manuscript will be returned if not indicated.
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National Kinmen Institute of Technology |
National Quemoy University |
Our school Journal has been "non-exclusive authorization", please go to the following link to search for the full text of the article.
1. HyRead Taiwan Full Text Database System
2. Airiti Library Online Library System