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Rex Hou /  Division Director




1. Overall Leadership and Supervision of the Curriculum Division

2. Implementing the policies of the school

3. Arrangement of administrative affairs and legal affairs of the Division of Curriculum

4. Provisional matters assigned by supervisors




Jui-Ying, Chang /  Project Assistant




  1. Responsible Unit: College of Engineering, Department of Chinese Literature, Department of Urban Planning and Landscape
  2. Report class data to the Department of Education
  3. Curriculum Planning
  4. Digital Teaching Platform Management and Maintenance of Curriculum Mapping.
  5. Postgraduate credits and tuition related matters
  6. Part-time teacher transportation subsidy
  7. Other Duties as Assigned.




Xiao-Qi, Yang  /  Project Assistant




  1. Responsible Unit: Department of Long-term Care, Department of Applied English, Department of Ocean and Border Management, Department of Sports and Recreation, Minnan Culture Degree Program
  2. Academic Calendar Editing
  3. Arrangement of Course Scheduling Meetings.
  4. Faculty Member Teaching Hours and Overtime Pay
  5. Arrangement of administrative affairs and legal affairs of the Division of Curriculum
  6. Other Duties as Assigned.




Yu-Chi, Wang  /  Project Assistant




  1. Responsible Unit: Department of Social Work, Department of Architecture, Department of Business Administration, Department of Tourism Management, Department of International and Mainland China Affairs, Center for General Education
  2. Promoting Summer courses
  3. Promoting Center for Taiwan Academic Research Ethics Education
  4. Distance Learning and Statistic Curricula Services.
  5. Doing Instructional Rounds.
  6. Other Duties as Assigned.